Award-winning Mimosa Lodge in Montagu expands its offering
While the world was taking a pause because of the pandemic, at
While the world was taking a pause because of the pandemic, at
Thanks to its location, among the lush tropical gardens of the Isimangaliso
Built of sandstone in the early 1900’s, the House at Glengariff, which
The Inanda Club in the heart of Sandton offers exclusive accommodation and
The River Club – Zambia, offers the perfect mix of relaxation and
Located within the 24 000ha Manyoni Private Game Reserve outside Mkuze, African
Offering amazing views of the Mother City and top-notch, sanitised facilities in
Did you know that an African elephant’s brain can weigh as much
With summer drawing to a close you’re probably feeling a little restless…
In as far as social distancing-inspired vacations go, the Kgalagadi Lifestyle Lodge,
The tourism industry has been my bread and butter for most of my life. It started with my incorporating a tour company in 1995 just as South Africa was opening to international tourism. I was the first qualified field guide in the Eastern Cape and later became the approved tour guide trainer for the region. At various times I have owned a tourist information office, an advertising agency specializing in marketing tourism businesses, sat on the board of directors of various tourism organisations and a been a publisher of travel magazines and websites.
Southern Africa is my home and the diversity of cultures, scenery and fauna and flora are what make it so special. I have a passion for exploring and have done so by driving, hiking, strolling, cycling, boating, sailing, diving and flying and know that their is still so much more to see.
Along the way their are so many amazing places to stay and to eat and they are an integral part of what makes this such a special place. These private and public tourism enterprises play a huge part in ensuring that our natural environment remains intact.
I am a fervent conservationist. I have served on the Board of Trustees of Bayworld and am currently a director of Bay Action Network Alliance. I believe that tourism is one of the few effective ways of protecting a dwindling natural heritage in the face of overpopulation and irresponsible and selfish exploitation of natural resources. Sadly conservation for conservation sake is as out of date as fax machines and typewriters. Animals and conservation areas must make more money from tourism than they can from exploitation to ensure their long term survival. It is for this reason that I love working with responsible tourism organizations around Southern Africa.
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